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An angry new vehicle owner returns the vehicle by crashing it through the dealership showroom

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Source: Youtube

The owner wasn’t happy with new car nor wasn’t happy with his life

Sandy, Utah— Michael Murray was getting tired of going through life being kicked down whenever he managed to find a way to come up. He was becoming drained more and more mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially.

In December of 2024, Murray had been saving up for some time and was finally able to buy a vehicle for better transportation options. But upon arriving at a local dealership, Murray wasn’t able to purchase his ideal vehicle, but the dealership was willing to work with him and help get him a vehicle.

The dealership reportedly sold a vehicle to Murray as is without it being properly inspected. Murray gladly paid $4,000 down and left with the vehicle, but by day’s end, he returned not too happy with it.

Murray was released from jail a day later and share his side of the story.

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